How to Take Viagra with Water or Milk?

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Some people wash down their medications with various kinds of drinks like water, soda, fruit juices, or even wine. But when it comes to your blue pill, you are probably wondering how to take Viagra with water or milk.

Which one is better to “push” the drug down to your throat, all the way to your stomach?

When you are taking any drug to treat a specific health condition that you may have, you must also be careful with the liquid that you drink it with. You can’t just really go ahead and grab whatever is within your reach because you are such in a hurry to have the pill in your system.

Keep in mind that the drink that you use to wash the pill down with may also affect the potency of the medication itself. Or worse, the combination may have adverse effects as well.

Is It Possible to Take Viagra With Milk?

Milk is a healthy drink, which is why doctors highly recommend it. Yes, it can be used to wash down some medicines to avoid getting an upset stomach, especially if the patient hasn’t eaten anything yet.

Milk also helps protect the gastrointestinal tract’s mucous membrane, not to mention that it masks the bitterness of the pill. However, if you are taking medicines with acid-resistant coating, it is not advisable to take it with milk.

The good news, though, is Viagra does not have such a coating. It does not have iron either, which means that Viagra can be taken with it. The only exception is that if you have lactose intolerance.

Is It Safer to Take Viagra With Water?

Every medication comes with dosage guidelines. Some will require you to take them after eating or before eating. Some will even require you to take them at a specific time of the day. But they have one thing in common – you need to take them with water. And with this, Viagra is not an exception.

Although this particular treatment for erectile dysfunction can also be consumed with the help of other types of drinks, water would still be the best option. You can never go wrong with taking your medicines, whatever the type is, with water.

How to Take Viagra With Water or Milk

You will be able to get the most out of Viagra if you take it at least half an hour before sexual activity. There is also nothing wrong taking it earlier than that. The most important thing that you should keep n mind is never to take the blue pill more than once a day. Also, it would be best to take it on an empty stomach.

Just pop the pill and wash it down with either water or milk. Make sure that you drink enough liquid to ensure that the drug goes all the way down to your intestines.

Which Is Safer to Take With Viagra – Water or Milk?

The steps on how to take Viagra with water or milk are the same. And also, since Viagra does not come with an acid-resistant coating, it is then safe to take the blue pill with either milk or water.

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