Is Viagra Safe for 20 Year Olds?

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As the world surges into a more liberated scene, so does the demand for better performance in bed. There is an increased number of younger age groups, men in their twenties, who use viagra for recreational use: as a sex enhancer.

Therefore, it’s not entirely weird to ask if viagra is safe for 20-year-olds. In fact, research proved that viagra does increase the quality of erections (1).

However, as the world becomes more familiar with the use of viagra, the number of worries also increases. This article will help you to understand the effects of using viagra as a 20-year-old.

Why Do People Use Viagra?

Before setting the line on what’s safe or not, it’s essential to understand why there is a need to use viagra in the first place.

  • Erectile Dysfunction

The most known use of viagra is obviously to counter erectile dysfunction (2). In which the penis has trouble keeping an erection firm enough for sex. This happens for several reasons:

  1. The inflow and outflow of your blood when sustaining an erection may be uncontrolled. During an erection, the corpora cavernosa lets blood in between open spaces, and the membrane surrounding the penile chambers helps trap the blood. If there is a malfunction in the inflow or outflow of blood, such that the dorsal remains open, erectile dysfunction happens.
  2. There is a psychological problem that younger people usually use to get a prescription for viagra. If there really is a psychological problem, then the use of viagra is justified and, by extension, safe.
  3. Other medical conditions usually happen to older men but can occur at any age.

Viagra for Recreational Use

This is where it gets tricky. As specified earlier, viagra is used as a medicine for men who have erectile dysfunction – primarily.

Recently, men in their twenties have started using Viagra to enhance their performance in sex, hence the overlying question of “Is viagra safe for 20-year-olds?” appeared.

To be clear, viagra is a safe drug. Assuming you take it with a doctor’s supervision, that is.

Viagra for recreational use is a known risk, as those who use it only assume to know the exact dosage that they need and not exceed it without a doctor’s prescription (3).

These are the reasons why you should not take viagra for recreational use:

  • Using any drug without a prescription and doctor’s supervision is never okay. The reason is that there may be side effects that can vary from person to person, depending on how your lifestyle is. If you’re taking nitrate and start using viagra, the results may be fatal (4).
  • Most men who use viagra for recreational use get it from online transactions, and it’s the last thing you would want to trust. The drug may be counterfeit, contaminated, expired, or deemed unsafe for use and cause more problems to you than what good you’re hoping for.
  • Using Viagra for recreational use may become dependent on viagra when they abuse the drug for longer-lasting erections. It may also be that they would find themselves to be developing actual erectile dysfunction.
  • There is a tendency that those who use viagra for recreational use will also take it with other drugs, in other words, mixing. This would create more risks that may prove fatal for some. A study shows the mixing of viagra and methamphetamine (crystal meth) is associated with the increasing rate of sexually transmitted diseases and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV (5).

When to Take Viagra

Viagra is a proven cure for erectile dysfunction while simultaneously being declared as safe for men of all ages up to 75 years old (6). While that may be so, there are also proven facts that say otherwise (recreational use).

So when is viagra harmless to take for 20-year-olds?

  • Once you figure out that you cannot maintain an erection, it’s perfectly fine to consult your doctor – who will run further tests to confirm your erectile dysfunction and prescript viagra to you. They will also tell you the dosage for your respective symptoms.
  • If you consulted your doctor and is sure that you aren’t taking nitrate for heart conditions, are advised to refrain from sexual activity due to cardiovascular risk, have no liver impairment or kidney disease, and is not susceptible to degenerative retinal disorder, then it’s okay.
  • If you are sexually stimulated and unable to achieve an erection, regardless of age.
  • If you are working for the betterment of your performance anxiety, taking viagra is advised. Make sure to address the psychological problem with your psychiatrist before you get too dependent on viagra.
  • If you are 18 and above, there is no proven fact that viagra works or if it is safe for them.
  • Some men have erectile dysfunction and are still not advised to take viagra. If this is the case, consult your doctor for other possible treatments for erectile dysfunction. This could be but is not limited to, vacuum erection devices, injections, testosterone therapy, or penile implants.

Keep in mind that all of this applies to men of all ages.

Bottom Line: Is Viagra Safe for 20-Year-Olds?

In actuality, viagra is safe for 20-year-olds – given that they do have penile problems. The only problem is that those who use them for recreational use without a prescription from doctors have a risk of developing actual penile issues when they use viagra.

Viagra as medicine is safe but see to it that proper precautions are observed when you use it, such as a doctor’s supervision, not buying it from the net, and making sure that you’re taking the prescribed dosage.

As always, make sure to tell your doctor about your medical condition and the medicines that you take. The doctor will then be able to determine if Viagra can be used to treat your erectile dysfunction or if you would need other treatments according to the state of your health at the time.

With all the facts laid upon you, it’s time to reflect on yourself: Is viagra safe for 20-year-olds?

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