If you have erectile dysfunction, do not lose hope as there is still a way to make your sex life as exciting as it was before (1, 2).
You can take Cialis. However, you need to know what Cialis shelf life is ( 3, 4, 5).
You can’t just go ahead and buy tons of them with the fear that you will run out. Keep in mind that you can always buy a refill from trusted sellers, so there is no sense of panic buying!
And besides, if you keep too much of them and they go beyond their expiration date, they will no longer be effective.
How Do You Determine Cialis Shelf Life?
Determining the shelf life of Cialis is pretty straightforward. Usually, you can find it on the bottle or packaging itself. You will see the “manufacturing date” as well as the “expiration,” which should have a gap of two years.
In the instance that you don’t see any date, you need to contact the seller immediately. It could be a counterfeit Cialis too, so you really have to be careful.
Why Is It Important to Know the Expiration Date of Cialis?
Just like any medication that you are purchasing, it is also crucial that you know the expiration date of Cialis. This will give you a better idea as to when the best period to take the drug is.
Taking the pill after that does not mean that it could kill you. However, you can’t expect it to be as effective as it should be. This is why it is best to consume Cialis within the prescribed period.
Do not attempt to store more than what you can take in a certain period. Otherwise, you are just putting yourself to disappointment as well as a loss of money.
Can You Prolong the Shelf Life for Cialis?
In general, you cannot prolong the shelf life for this particular pill because its effectiveness has something to do with the storage time, as well as the way you store it. Medications degrade over time. You can then expect that as time goes by, their efficacy also decreases.
To preserve the potency of your pills during the specified period, keep them at room temperature, and seal the container properly.
Is It Dangerous to Take Expired Cialis?
Like what we have said earlier, ingesting expired Cialis won’t kill you because the medication itself is not toxic. But you can’t expect that its strength is still the same.
It may not even work at all anymore, depending on how long it was since the expiration date. You have to follow the prescribed storage period for Cialis if you want to ensure that you will get the most out of it.
The bottom line is, the potency of Cialis degrades over time. And for this reason, you must know when Cialis expires and consume the pills before that date comes.
To avoid wasting money, it is advisable that you only purchase a batch that is good for a month or two.
How Will You Know the Number of Pills to Order?
The number of Cialis pills to order differs from one person to another. Therefore, you have to keep track of your usage.
If it is your first time ordering, start with a small amount, then count how many pills you consume in a month. This way, you will know exactly how much you require the next time you purchase.
Remember the Cialis shelf life, so never order more than you need at a time.