What Is the Cialis Dose for Bodybuilding? It’s Time to Learn the Truth

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There’s a question that more and more people seem to be asking: what is the Cialis dose for bodybuilding?

Yes, despite being most commonly associated with erectile dysfunction, the drug has recently set abuzz in the world of bodybuilding.

Suddenly, these fitness fanatics have become interested in pumping up using medicine.

In this article, we’ll focus on how Cialis helps with building muscles—and of course, we’re going to give you insights on the right dose for bodybuilding.

PDE-5 Inhibitors: A Quick Overview

First, let’s have a bit of history on how Cialis came about.

It was in 1986 when scientists proved that nitric oxide (NO) was a potent vasodilator, which meant it could improve blood circulation, heart health, and pretty much anything dependent on good blood flow (1).

Medical researchers then began tinkering with a group of drugs referred to as PDE-5 inhibitors. These drugs are designed to perpetuate the effects of NO as a vasodilator.

The first drug to be made publicly available for treating erection problems was Viagra. It was a huge success, but there were reports of heart problems from those who take them.

Naturally, people clamored for a better option.

Enter Cialis—a safer PDE-5 inhibitor that doesn’t have the fatal effects of Viagra and has an even longer half-life, meaning it can remain longer in your blood for an optimal outcome.

The Use of Cialis for Bodybuilding

Remember the discussion about Cialis, as a PDE-5 inhibitor, improves blood circulation?

You see, when it comes to bodybuilding, optimal blood flow is pretty essential (2).

Your muscles need all the nutrients they can get from your diet to start repairing and building muscle tissues.

Cialis dilates your blood vessels by relaxing them and allowing them to open wider. This allows better blood flow, so nutrients from the food and supplements you ingest get to wherever they need to go.

One of the other things necessary in bodybuilding is getting that pump. It’s that feeling when you’ve finished a set. You can feel blood filling up the body part you worked out.

Cialis helps in getting that pump because it allows more blood to flow.

But What Is the Cialis Dose for Bodybuilding?

There are lots of studies detailing the effects of Cialis, as well as other PDE-5 inhibitors, on erectile dysfunction.

Proper dosages have long been established as well as the appropriate time in taking them.

Viagra, for example, should be taken an hour before the expected sexual performance with a dosage of 50mg.

The effects are felt after half an hour and usually wear off after 4 to 5 hours (3).

Cialis, on the other hand, is more flexible when it comes to dosage. Patients need less of it, too.

For erectile dysfunction, the dosage may start at 10mg, 30 minutes before the deed. It can then be increased up to 30mg if required (4).

For bodybuilding, however, there is no established dosage because the drug just wasn’t developed mainly for that field.

The muscle building effect was a fortunate ‘side effect.’

But since Cialis is much safer than Viagra, a more flexible dosage scheme can be set for bodybuilding.

The standard Cialis dosage of 20 mg set for treating erectile dysfunction has been found to have the benefits of preventing muscle loss, or ischemia (5).

When you want to gain muscle, you don’t want to lose it.

The same dosage was proven to increase athletic performance by reducing the time to reach peak power.

This is beneficial for bodybuilders since reaching maximum strength in a short time is required during intense weight training.

Then again, people may react differently to the effects of Cialis.

Some bodybuilders who have used the drug for quite some time highly recommend that those who are just beginning with Cialis start with a low dosage.

At 10mg, the vasodilation effects of Cialis can already be felt, so it’s safe to start with that. You can then increase the dosage gradually as your body becomes more accustomed to the drug.

Some bodybuilders have taken 30mg dosages and reported no side effects except mild headaches. But, these are seasoned athletes whose bodies are accustomed to supplements.

What’s the Bodybuilding Dose of Cialis? Better Safe than Sorry

Although the side effects of Cialis are minimal compared to its older sibling, Viagra, care should still be taken when using the drug.

Stick to a maximum dose of 20mg to stay on the safe side. It’s the dosage that most studies about the benefits of Cialis is set on.

Then again, remember that the drug isn’t developed with bodybuilding in mind, and lower doses tend to be safer.

What is the Cialis dose for bodybuilding?

As you’ve learned, there’s no definite answer to that—you’ll have to find the dosage that works best for you.

If you wish to clear something up though, don’t hesitate to let us know in the comments section.

Originally posted 2024-01-21 20:39:20.

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