Cialis vs. Viagra for Bodybuilding?

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Although their primary purpose is to resolve erectile dysfunction, Cialis and Viagra have made their way through mainstream bodybuilding. And interestingly, the two are battling it out in the gym.

Cialis vs. Viagra for bodybuilding—which one’s superior? We know how much you want to see the answer. That’s why we came up with this brief guide.

A Tale of Two Potent Inhibitors

Sildenafil is the active ingredient in Viagra, while it’s tadalafil in Cialis. Both are classified as phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors.

PDE5 inhibitors, well, inhibit or suppress the enzyme PDE5. This enzyme is responsible for controlling blood flow to the pulmonary arteries.

When PDE5 is prevented from doing its job by taking either Viagra or Cialis, the walls of the blood vessels relax (1). This will result in increased blood flow and also lowers blood pressure.

Due to this, PDE5 inhibitors allow optimal blood flow. Those behind the drug’s development noticed that it increased blood flow to the penis, so it was marketed as a sexual performance-enhancing drug.

Muscle building, on the other hand, depends on many factors—and among these are getting that ‘pump’ and getting all those essential nutrients into the muscle tissues.

Taking Cialis or Viagra before workout results in optimal blood flow. That means getting that ‘pump’ feeling becomes more achievable.

Also, the delivery of all those nutrients that you get from food and supplements gets improved.

Increasing Testosterone Levels

Testosterone, as you may know, is the primary male hormone. It’s the one responsible for muscle building. And it’s also the reason why men can build bigger muscles and at a much faster rate than women.

So it only comes naturally that the more testosterone you have, the easier it will be for your body to build muscles. Yes, there are already well-established supplements that boost testosterone levels, but in competitive bodybuilding, every little thing counts.

Both Viagra and Cialis have been proven in separate studies to boost testosterone to some extent (2, 3).

Using different dosages, subjects had their blood examined after the tests and were found out to have elevated testosterone levels in their blood.

These tests were done on older men aged between 40 to 70 years who were not even bodybuilders. Also, since the test period was short, it’s impossible to prove if there was an increase in muscle size.

But imagine if the drug was administered to seasoned athletes whose bodies are well-adjusted to metabolism changes and the effects of supplements.

There are still a lot of tests to be done before the proper dosage and timing of taking Viagra and Cialis can be established. But, those who have taken them attest to their effectiveness.

Where the Drugs Actually Differ

At this point, it seems the two popular ED medications may be equally useful in the realm of bodybuilding. As you probably expect though, there are aspects in which one is better than the other.

Cialis, for example, is capable of reducing the presence of estrogen in the male system—and this is its trump card over Viagra (4). Estrogen’s actions counteract those of testosterone. That includes building lean muscle.

When you have too much estrogen in your system, it will be hard for your body to build and maintain muscles. Adding Cialis to the supplements you’re taking might be able to solve hormonal issues that are preventing you from reaching your ideal physique.

So, in what way is Viagra better than Cialis? Well, when it comes to speed, Viagra beats Cialis good. The human body absorbs sildenafil faster than tadalafil (5).

If you want that optimal blood flow effect quick, take Viagra before your workout. The results of the drug can be felt in as fast as 30 to 45 minutes.

The absorption of Cialis is slower. After half an hour of taking it, only 15% of users feel the effect, and it’s not even optimal yet. It can take as long as 2 hours for the full impact to be felt.

Then again, this slow absorption feature of Cialis has its advantage too (6). Because it takes longer for the body to absorb tadalafil, the drug can last in the system much longer than sildenafil can.

Studies have shown that Viagra leaves the system in less than 12 hours. For Cialis, it can be as long as 48 hours.

Cialis or Viagra for Better Fitness?

The PDE5-inhibiting properties of Cialis and Viagra were clearly just the tip of the iceberg. Studies are starting to show that these drugs have benefits that go beyond their primary purpose.

If you’re a fitness enthusiast, you might want to consider taking these medications—although remember; there’s not much information about their safety when used for purposes other than resolving ED.

Cialis vs. Viagra for bodybuilding—which one should you choose?

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but both are potentially beneficial. If you have something in mind or you’re having trouble choosing, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.

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